Saturday, 16 February 2013

Three Years On...

Haiti has with no doubt faced many challenges as the country slowly tries to rebuilt itself.

Might be slow, but it is taking place.

The American Red Cross has spent around $486 million in donations and has put in all efforts on establishing permanent housing. Progress has also been made in areas of health and education.
The Haitian Government has also committed to pay tuition for 900,000 children.
According to the World Bank, donors have arranged education for another 230,000 children.
UNFPA ( United Nations Fund for Population Activities) has been sending out health facilities throughout Port-Au-Prince, with kits to serve around 1.5 million people.
US raised around $48 million to help Haiti.
Brazil raised R$375 million for long term recovery and R$25 million for immediate funds.
Canada raised to a total of around C$50 million.
So many more countries like these have tried to help Haiti since the incident occurred.
The UN Foundation has raised donations to help Haiti too, some of the things they supported are:
  • Grant $170,000 to ongoing solar light projects in Haiti.
  • Provide food, medicine, water, and shelter following the earthquake 
  • Recycle 20% of removed earthquake debris. 
  • Provide jobs to more than 300,000 people.
  • Provide training for more than 270,000 employees in development- and recovery-related fields.

Keep reading to know the Status of the Recovery!

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